Page 14 - Water Pollution Management - Management Plans - Understanding your Risk
P. 14

Worked example (3 of 3)

                                Step 5              Select Return period

                                                    2 year duration

                                                    Medium Risk

                                                    Selected return period:                             1:10 yrs

                                                    (giving a 19% probability of exceedance)

                                                    Return period multiplication factor 1.48

                                Step 6              Calculate Peak flow:

                                                       Catchment Area x Average unit run-off x Return period factor

                                                          5 x 3.3 x =1.48 24.4l/s

                                                                                      = 88m /hr

                                                 +44(0)1375 366 700                             
   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19