Page 19 - Water Pollution Management - Management Plans - Understanding your Risk
P. 19

Keep Moat Homes - Surface water management plan


         To reduce the risk of contamination of controlled waters caused by our work activities. Specifically, this involves:

         •   Identifying sources of potential contamination (surface and silt water run-off, fuel and chemical storage,

             excavation pumping operations etc.)

         •   Determining the receptors (water courses, ground water and foul drains) for any potential discharge and
             identifying whether this site is a ‘High’ risk development

         •   Developing and implementing controls for minimising risk, through control and treatment

         •   Utilising appointed technical consultants to assist in developing appropriate and effective methods of control

         •   Ensuring effective Monitoring and Maintenance of pollution prevention measures

         •   Developing a specific and effective Surface Water Management Plan, using this template

         •   Preparation of an associated Pollution Incident Response Plan for emergency situations (HSS-FO-001-Spill)

         •   Assurance of effectiveness through the implementation of inspection, monitoring and sampling measures, using

             the associated HSS-FO-001 Water Management & Pollution Prevention Inspection Checklists found on Airsweb.

                                                 +44(0)1375 366 700                             
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