Page 5 - Water Pollution Management - Silty Water Treatment - Preventing Discharge
P. 5

Phased stripping of the site

                                                                                           • Minimise the time that soils are exposed

                                                                                                 Reinstate/stabilise exposed surfaces as you go.

                                                                                           • Schedule and Phase the Works

                                                                                                 Schedule and phasing the works will limit the extent of
                                                                                                 soils exposed at any one time.

                                                                                           • Concentrate on an area

                                                                                                 By intensively concentrating on an area you can
                                                                                                 speedily complete this area, before exposing the next.

                                                                                                 Limit the areas which may be exposed.

                                                 +44(0)1375 366 700                             
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