Page 9 - Water Pollution Management - Silty Water Treatment - Preventing Discharge
P. 9

Installation of silt fence

                                                                            •      Break the slop up into individual bays to capture the overland

                                                                            •      Ensure that the bays have sufficient curvature to prevent the flow

                                                                                   escaping around the side

                                                                            •      Insert the bottom part of the fence within a backfilled trench to
                                                                                   prevent water passing underneath the silt fence

         •      The number of bays required will be depends on the steepness of

                the slope, the area drained, the amount of rainfall

         •      Periodically remove the sediment that has built up in front of the

         •      Following a major storm event inspect the silt fence for damage
                and replace as necessary

                                                 +44(0)1375 366 700                             
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