Page 11 - Surface Water Management Guidance - 2023
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 5.2 Construction
 For  projects  where  an  appropriate  level  of   Construction Phase Support
 planning   and   assessment   of   water   T yne and Wear                         Market
 management  issues  was  carried  out  during  Services
 the pre-construction  phase, the focus of                                         Harborough
 the  construction  phase  can  move  to  Provision of specialist subcontractors and/  Station Lane
 implementation,  operation  and  maintenance  or equipment suppliers:  Tyne and Wear  Harborough Innovation Centre
 of the systems which have to be put in place.  DH2 1AJ                            Wellington Way
 • Water Treatment Equipment  01914 111 200                                        Airfield Business Park
                                                                                   Leicester Road
 Where  inadequate  levels  of  pre-construction   • Temporary Power Supply        Market Harborough
 planning  has  been  completed,  the  site  team  • Feed water pump and pipe-work  LE16 7WB
 often have to start the assessment of the water  • Chemical Consumables           01858 414 333
 related  issues  from  scratch;  frequently  with
 poor  budgetary  provision  being  available   On-site training of personal in pollution
 and/or  insufficient  time.  This  increases  project   prevention and operation of installed
 risks   (cost   overruns   and   delays).  water management systems.

 The  support  services  provided  by  Water  Tech   Where required, provision of man power   T
 enable  the  Client  site  team  to  remain   to operate and maintain installed   West Midlands  Grays
 focussed  on  the  delivery  of  the  project  itself   abatement systems.
 rather  than  assigning  their  limited  in-house   Fairfield Road                London Road
 resource  to  the  management  of  water   Collection of environmental samples to   Halesowen  Grays
 related   issues.  demonstrate compliance with permit/   West Midlands            Essex
 consent conditions.  B62 9JL                                                      RM20 4DB
                                                                                   01375 366 700
 5.3 Project Completion  0121 2703 199
 During   the   Project   Completion   phase   Preparation and submission of site   W
 John  F  Hunt  Water  Tech,  though  their   inspections and monitoring reports in a   M
 involvement  in  the  preceding  phases,  will  be   format suitable for issue to regulatory
 able  to  add  value  through  the  preparation  of   bodies e.g. Environmental Agency and
 close out reports on the operation of the water   Environmental Health Department.
 management   system   to   include:               B
 Disposal of waste arisings e.g. unused   Bristol                    G             Cantebury
 •  Statistics on environmental performance.  surplus treatment chemicals, sludge etc.  C
 •  Recycling and/or re-use of water.  Bradley Road                                Cantebury Innovation Centre
 •  Assessment of any lessons learned and areas      Portbury                      University Road
 which could in the future be improved.  Bristol                                   Cantebury
        BS20 7NZ                                                                   Kent
        01275 400 560                                                              CT2 7FG
                                                                                   01227 811 826

           For additional information contact          
           John F Hunt Water Tech at:                            +44(0)1375 366 700


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