Page 23 - Water Pollution Management - Environmetal Legislation - Your Responsibility
P. 23

Discharge to foul sewer

         •      Regulated by the utility company that is responsible for the sewers and the operation of the sewage-treatment works
                through which the effluent will pass

         •      Such companies are designated as Water and Sewerage Undertakers and have powers to consent to discharge under the
                Water Industry Act 1991

         •      They will set limits on the content of the discharge so it will not harm:
                       o      Sewage Treatment process                                                                        You have to pay to use the Sewer
                       o      People who work in the sewage system
                       o      Sewage system itself                                                                            The more concentrated the effluent the
                                                                                                                              higher the charge
         •      Common consented conditions:

                       o    Flow Rate                                                                                         Even dilute effluents will be subjected to a
                       o    Daily Volume                                                                                      charge
                       o    Time of Discharge
                       o    Temperature                                                                                       Dilution will not reduce the overall costs
                       o    pH
                       o    Toxic Metals                                                                                      Cost calculated using the Modgen
                       o    Suspended Solids                                                                                  Formula
                       o    Ammonia
                       o    Sampling and Monitoring                                                                                    Cost = Volume x Strength

                       o    Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

                No flammable substances are permitted to be discharged

                                                 +44(0)1375 366 700                             
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