Page 14 - Guide to Managing Trade Effluent - 2023
P. 14

Effluent Management Support Services                                                                                 Purchase
                                                                                                                               •  One-off cost or staged payment by finance

        John F Hunt Water Technologies can provide a range of Effluent Management and Support                                      arrangements
        Services from initial scheme assessment through to plant commissioning and optimisation. Where                         •  Own equipment
        required, John F Hunt Water Technologies can provide both manpower to operate a company’s                              •  Scope of plant fixed, additional purchases
        water treatment plant and manage the procurement of consumables and disposal and                                           needed to accommodate changes
        treatment of waste arisings.                                                                                           •  For long duration projects can be cheaper than
                                                                                                                               •  Need to have direct access to spare parts
        1.     Scheme Appraisal
        2.     Compliance Monitoring
        3.     Plant Design                                                                                                    Need to understand at what point in time
        4.     Delivery, Installation and Commissioning                                                                        relative to the duration of the project
        5.     Plant Optimisation, including jar tests                                                                         does the hire costs exceed the purchase
        6.     Development of Capex and Opex Budgets                                                                           costs……………..

          Spreading the Cost

        A company’s financial constraints may make it difficult to instantaneously raise the finances to                         Project Support
        implement capital works.
        John F Hunt recognises this and has the ability to provide treatment systems via a variety of routes                   John F Hunt Water Tech has many years’
        such as:                                                                                                               experience of running our clients water
                                                                                                                               treatment systems; we know first-hand the
        Hire On-going hire of equipment, with the ability to off-hire the equipment at an agreed notice                        complexities that are involved and how poor
        period and with the flexibility to upgrade and/or down size the system to reflect the current nature                   design and delivery can affect operations
        of the site operations.                                                                                                back upstream.

        Hire to Buy At the end of an agree hire period, the Client may exercise an option to purchase the                      Our team will assist you in making the correct
        system.  The combination of hire and purchase allows the client to effectively trial the equipment                     decision in designing, financing
        prior to committing to the outlay of capital.                                                                          and operating (by providing experienced

                                                                                                                               operators) the type of water treatment work
        Lease The treatment system is leased by the Client, a range of additional services eg                                  to suit the specifics of your project and the
        Maintenance, provision of manpower to operate can be easily incorporated into the lease                                financial constraints involved.
        arrangements.  Lease durations typically may be of long duration, providing a company with
        future certainty over wastewater treatment costs.

        Hire, Hire to Buy and Lease Options provide companies with alternative routes which enable a
        company to procure treatment systems in a flexible way, minimising the risk associated with a
        large capital outlay and uncertain economic conditions.

        To Hire or Purchase

        •  On-going cost
        •  Never own equipment
        •  Flexibility to react to changing circumstances
        •  For short term can be cheaper than purchase option
        •  No need to have direct access to spare parts
        •  Treatment capacity can be easily scaled up or down in response to changes

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