Page 9 - Guide to Managing Trade Effluent - 2023
P. 9

Calculating Effluent Charges    Drivers for Investing in
 Modgen Formula
 Under Section 142 of the Water Industry Act 1991, the     Effluent Treatment
 sewage undertaker is allowed to make a charge for the
 discharge of effluent into his sewer.  There are five main reasons why a company should consider investing in its effluent treatment
 The calculation charge is calculated using the Modgen   system. These are:
 Formula.  C = total charge per cubic meter of trade
 In a simplified form the Modgen Formula can be expressed   effluent  Achieving Compliance:  Failure to ensure that the quality of the effluent achieves the conditions
 as:    set out within the Trade Effluent Consent may result in Court action and subsequent fines. Where
 R= One third of the amount determined   severe non-compliance or prolonged non-compliance issues occur; the Sewerage Undertaker
 Cost = Volume x Strength  by the Sewage Undertaker as the   has the ability to prevent further discharges into his sewerage system occurring.
 average cost to the Sewage Undertaker
 for the year of charge of receiving into its
 sewers and conveying one cubic meter of   Increased Capacity:  Plans for increasing the factories production capacity may increase the
 •  The more concentrated (stronger) the effluent the higher the   sewage to the sewage treatment works
 charge.  volume of effluent that is produced. Increasing the capacity of the sites effluent treatment plant
 •  Even diluted effluent will be subject to a charge eg clean   V=The amount determined by the   may give rise to a need to upgrade or modify the factories the existing effluent treatment plant.
 water.  sewage undertaker as the average
 •  Dilution will not reduce the total cost payable.  cost for the year of charge of primary   Reducing Operating Costs:  Modernisation of the effluent treatment plant may reduce electricity
 treatment and other volumetric treatment   usage, reduce consumables, and or reduce the amount of waste generated. These benefits may
 costs in the treatment of one cubic meter
 A reduction in the overall cost of disposal will only be   of sewage at the treatment works  reduce the cost of treating the effluent, reducing the facilities operating costs. In addition, the
 achieved by reducing the strength of the effluent and/or   improvements may also reduce the amount of waste generated, again reducing the facilities
 reducing the volume of effluent that is disposed.  Ot =The Chemical Oxygen Demand   operating costs.
 (COD) of the trade effluent in mg/l after
 one hour quiescent settlement
        Changes In Effluent Quality:  Both the volume and composition of the effluent generated by the
 Os=The estimated average Chemical  facility is a function of the operating processes undertaken at the facility. Where changes to the
 Oxygen Demand (COD) of settled   sites production is made, this may change the composition of the effluent that is delivered into the
 sewage in mg/l at the sewage treatment
 works as determined by the Sewerage   sites effluent treatment plant. Any changes in the nature of the effluent which is produced may
 Undertaker for the purposes of the year of   necessitate a need to alter the sites existing effluent treatment capabilities.
        More Stringent Discharge Targets:  There is a continuing drive to reduce the amount of pollution
 B= The amount determined by the
 sewerage undertaker as the average cost   that enters our inland waterways. Sewage undertakers are being put under increasing pressure to
 to the sewerage undertaker for the year   reduce the concentration of pollutants present within the discharge from the sewage treatment
 of charge of biological treatment of one   works. This in turn sees the undertaker imposing tighter limits on the quality of the effluent that is
 cubic metre of sewage at the sewage   discharged into his network; making a need to upgrade the sites effluent treatment plant.
 treatment works.
 St= The total suspend solids in the trade
 effluent in mg/l at the pH of the trade

 Ss= The estimated average amount of
 suspended solids in mg/l determined on
 a shaken sample, in sewage received
 for treatment as the sewage treatment
 works as determined by the sewerage
 Undertaker for the purposes of the year of

 S= The amount determined by the
 Sewerage Undertaker as the average
 cost to the Sewerage Undertaker for
 the year of charge, of primary sludge
 treatment and disposal of one cubic
 meter of sewage at the sewage
 treatment works

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